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2022 Twinning Grant applications now open


14th January 2022


Any organisation, group or individual located or providing services within the administrative area of Cork City Council that proposes to promote the twinning links between Cork City and any of the Twinned Cities are invited to apply for a Twinning Grant.

The nature of the activity may be community based, voluntary, social, cultural, educational and sporting or of general social and economic benefit.

The Twinning or Sister City concept developed in Europe following the Second World War. It was seen as a way of removing old enmities which had developed in the war years. Cork is currently twinned with six cities:

  • Swansea;
  • Coventry;
  • Rennes;
  • Cologne;
  • San Francisco;
  • Shanghai.


Applications can be submitted online here. Hard copies are available by contacting The closing date for submission of application forms is no later than 5pm, Friday 11th February 2022.

 Twinning-Grant-Application-form-2022.docx (size 67.2 KB)