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2023 Primary Science Quiz

2023 Primary Science Quiz

Primary Science Quiz 2023
Lifetime Lab Primary Science Quiz Rules
  • The quiz will be held on Tuesday 21st November 2023, 6.30pm, Devere Hall UCC
  • Three children per team from 4th, 5th or 6th class
  • *Teams can be multi-grade but competition category is determined by highest class represented on team.
  • Each school can enter a maximum of two teams.
  • Prizes will be awarded to teams with the highest marks in each category 4th, 5th and 6th.
  • Children need to bring pens, answer sheets will be supplied. No mobile phones or calculators allowed.
  • There will be 8 rounds with 8 questions in each round
  • Tie-break questions will be employed in the event of a tie in final scores.
  • The decisions of the nominated Quiz Adjudicator on the night will be final.
  • Children must be accompanied by a teacher/nominated adult who will have primary responsibility for the children at all times.
  • Entry fee is €10 per team - Closing date for entries is Thursday 26th October 2023**

**Please note, the quiz will close to further entries if maximum capacity of hall is reached before closing date.

Complete and return the quiz entry form, permission slip and fee to:
Primary Science Quiz, Lifetime Lab, Old Cork Waterworks, Lee Road, Cork

RSC Cork

Cork Primary Science Quiz 2023 is supported by RSC as part of ‘Chemistry Week’. This year, the theme is: Chemistry making the world a better place.