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Cork City Development Plan 2015 - 2021 Documents
Phase 1: Preliminary Consultation Phase
Phase 1 Consultation Paper: ‘How do you see Cork’s Future?’
Phase 1 Managers Report on Consultation
Phase 2: Draft Development Plan Consultation Phase
Draft Development Plan Public Notice
Cork City Council Poster
Cork City Council Leaflet
Cork Planning Authorities Joint Retail Strategy
Cork Planning Authorities Joint Housing Strategy
Phase 3: Amendments to the Draft Plan
Chief Executive’s Report on submission to the Draft Plan 5th September 2014
Chief Executive’s Report of 24th November 2014
Proposed amendments to the Draft Cork City Development Plan Volumes 1-3
Addendum to the Environmental Reports (Volume 4)
AA Screening Report
Council Motions Proposed for consideration at the CCC OCM meeting on 24 November 2014
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Cork City Council held on Monday 24th November 2014
Phase 4: Adopted Cork City Development Plan
Section 12(12) Public Notice
Chief Executive’s Report 18 February 2015
Minutes of Cork City Council Meeting 23 March 2015
Volume 1 of Development Plan
Volume 2 of Development Plan
Volume 3 of Development Plan
SEA Statement and AA Screening
Environmental Assessments (as updated April 2015)
Cork Joint Housing Strategy 2014
Metropolitan Cork Joint Retail Strategy 2015
Metropolitan Cork Retail Study 2013
Phase 5: Adopted Variations of the Plan
Adopted Variation 1: St Anthony's Park, Hollyhill
Adopted Variation 1: AA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 1: SEA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 2: Social Housing under Part V
Adopted Variation 2: AA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 2: SEA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 3: Vacant Sites
Adopted Variation 3: AA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 3: SEA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 4: St. John's Well
Adopted Variation 4: AA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 4: SEA Decision Statement
Variation No. 5 Student Accommodation: AA Decision Statement
Variation No. 5 Student Accommodation: Adopted Variation No 5
Variation No. 5 Student Accommodation: SEA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation 6: Tramore Road/ Kinsale Road Site Rezoning
Adopted Variation No 7: Residential Sites
Adopted Variation No 7: AA Decision Statement
Adopted Variation No 7: SEA Decision Statement
SEA Statement & AA Screening
Volume Three: Specific Built Heritage Objectives
Volume Two: Mapped Objectives
Volume One: Written Statement
Cork City Council