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Social Ecosystems for Fair and Inclusive Transitions (SEFIT)

Social Ecosystems for Fair and Inclusive Transitions (SEFIT)

Focused on green and digital transitions, SEFIT aims to eliminate barriers and achieve an equitable and inclusive future.

Social Ecosystems for Fair and Inclusive Transitions (SEFIT)

Bringing people together to make green and digital change fair for everyone.

Co-funded by the European Union

SEFIT is a project focused on green and digital transitions, aiming to eliminate barriers and achieve an equitable and inclusive future. This initiative brings together local authorities, social innovators, and communities to drive transformative change for marginalised communities in Cork, Ireland and Turin, Italy. The SEFIT project is co-funded by the European Union and overseen by a collaborative effort led by key partners Rethink Ireland, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, City Council of Turin and Cork City Council. 

The Challenge Fund
The “Challenge Fund” offered by SEFIT provides support to local social innovation organisations in Cork and Turin. The fund focuses on the green and digital transitions and works directly with socio-economically disadvantaged communities. The Challenge Fund will open for applications in 2024. It includes the following benefits:

  • Cash grant and non-financial supports package to the value of €58,000 for each of the four awardees. 
  • A place in the “Challenge Fund” Accelerator program. 
  • 1-to-1 consultancy supports to refine strategies and increase impact. 
  • Access to the partners networks. 

How can you get involved?
You can stay up to date with SEFIT for more information on how social innovations in Cork can be supported to make the green and digital transition more inclusive on our LinkedIn page. Social innovation organisations in Cork and Turin are encouraged to get in touch with SEFIT to learn more about the opportunities provided by the Challenge Fund.