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Rapid Deployment Pedestrian Scheme 2024 – North West LEA

Works Extent

An NTA funded project, designed in-house by Cork City Council’s Active Travel Team, this project includes a number of active travel works in the Northwest Local Electoral Area.  Works include:

Phase 1 – Commencing Late 2024

  • - New public lighting at the Fair Field
  • - Footpath upgrades at Churchfield Road
  • - New footpath and junction upgrade at Monacnappa, Blarney
  • - New footpath at Shournagh Road

Phase 2 – To Commence in 2025 (Subject to funding)

  • - Footpath upgrades at John F Connolly Road
  • - Riverview Estate, Tower
  • - Old Mallow Road (north of Bride Bridge to junction of Rathpeacon Road)
  • - Fairfield Avenue x Fairfield Road Junction upgrade

Type of works include a variety of new footpaths, upgrading/widening existing paths, junction build outs, tactile paving, new/upgraded public lighting, and new/upgraded storm-water drainage.



  • Improved facilities for pedestrians to provide more attractive infrastructure to help promote active travel;
  • Enhanced accessibility for pedestrians to local services, places of work and bus stops by delivering dished paths with tactile paving and new paths on desire lines creating more direct routes;
  • Reduction in road widths to be traversed by pedestrians and provision of safer pedestrian uncontrolled crossings;
  • New public lighting designed to enhance inter-visibility between drivers and pedestrians at crossing points, and along new paths.


Start:  Construction to commence in Q4 2024

Finish:  Scheduled for completion by Q4 2025

For further information please contact Brendan O’Leary, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email