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Curraheen Road Pedestrian and Cycle Safety Improvement Scheme

Works Extent

Curraheen Road from west of Melbourn Road to Junction with N40.  Active Travel Improvement Measures to be included at Rossa Avenue, Allendale Avenue and Foxford Avenue.


  • Upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing located at Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh and installation of new Toucan crossing at Curraheen Walkway;
  • Installation of upgraded pedestrian crossing facilities, including raised tables and tactile crossing points at side road junctions along Curraheen Road between Bridgefield Grove and Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh;
  • Improvement works to the Rossa Avenue junction incorporating pedestrian and cycle safety measures;
  • Installation of segregated cycle lanes;
  • Adjustments to the existing road layout, including lining, parking, etc.;
  • Enhancement to the existing facilities on Rossa Avenue;
  • Active Travel enhancement at Allendale Avenue and Foxford Avenue.


Start: Design Phase Commenced September 2021.

Finish: Section 38 approved early 2022 with Detailed Design ongoing. 

Preliminary Design of Active Travel Measures at Allendale Avenue and Foxford Avenue ongoing.

For further information please contact Brendan O'Leary, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email

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