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Blarney Village Pedestrian and Cycling Infrastructure Scheme

Works Extent

The study area includes Blarney Village and its surrounding areas extending:

  • Northwards towards Waterloo between Station Road and Waterloo Road (east and west of River Martin);
  • Eastwards towards Blarney Business Park;
  • Southwards towards Blarney playground.

The scheme will connect with:

  • The new Riverside Park adjacent the Martin River;
  • Blarney Business Park;
  • Adjacent residential areas, local schools and shops.


  • Enhanced connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists;
  • Provision of sustainable alternative routes for commuters, school and leisure users;
  • Creation of an environment that will encourage the uptake of sustainable forms of transport;
  • Reduction in traffic volumes on the local road network;
  • Improved quality of life for residents and businesses in the area.


Start: Consultants appointed in Q1 2022 to bring the scheme to Part 8 stage.

Finish: Part 8 Consultation to be undertaken in 2024.

Section 38 Approved for Blarney Business Park Linkage with Detailed Design to commence in 2024.

For further information please contact Shane Mackley, A/Senior Executive Engineer at email

Blarney Village Ped Infra Scheme R Sept

Study Map Area