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On-Street Parking

Parking charges apply to on street parking in Cork City Council designated parking spaces in the Douglas area. Pay stations with the relevant zone payment information are located on street and in the Lion House car park.

Pay Parking remains in operation in Cork City’s designated pay parking areas. These areas are identified by Parking Sign and Information Plate. The fees payable are €2.50 per parking period as listed in parking information plate.

Cork City Council has provided a number of set down areas in the city centre and Douglas. Free parking is available in these spaces for 15mins. Locations are as follows:

  • Cornmarket St
  • Drawbridge St
  • Grand Parade
  • South Mall (Grand Parade end)
  • South Mall (Parnell Place end)
  • Parnell Place
  • Caroline St
  • Clontarf St
  • Union Quay
  • North Main St
  • MacCurtain St
  • Bridge St
  • Tramway Terrace Douglas

These spaces are designated as Parking, 15 mins only. After 15 minutes, the space must be vacated so as to be available for the next customer to use.

The spaces will improve accessibility and provide for drop off/pick up facilities for shoppers and visitors in Cork City.

Setdown area


Parking Permitted

Parking is permitted in accordance with the information on the Information Plate.


Information Plate 

This sign will advise of the hours during which you must pay for parking and how long you may park on the street. There are a few versions of the sign in use in the city. 


Pay Parking Sign

Cork City Council has begun installing this Pay Parking Sign.

It is a composite sign including: 

  • Parking Permitted Sign 
  • Information Plate 
  • Guidance to the public on how to pay for parking 
  • Older versions of the Park by Phone Signs are still in situ in various areas across the city

There are several areas in Cork City where you are not allowed to park:

Double Yellow Lines                 No parking at any time on double yellow lines
Single Yellow Lines  No parking during the hours indicated on the street sign
Parking Bays Reserved for People with Disabilities  No parking at any time except where a valid Disabled Drivers permit is displayed in the vehicle
Loading Bays 

No parking during the hours indicated on the street sign. 

Exceptions: Vehicles with a commercial tax disc can park in a loading bay for a maximum of 30 minutes. Must be actively loading and/or unloading 

Clearways and Bus Lanes  No parking or stopping during the hours indicated on the street sign  
 Cycle Tracks   
Cycle tracks operate on a 24 hour basis unless otherwise indicated on a time plate
Pedestrian Access  
A vehicle cannot be driven or parked in a pedestrian area during the hours indicated on the street sign  
Bus/Coach Parking No parking for any vehicles other than a licenced bus/coach, unless otherwise indicated on a street sign. the maximum stay for buses/coaches is also indicated on the street sign
Taxi Rank   
 No parking at any time 
 Bus Stop  No parking at any time 

It is illegal to park in a way which interferes with traffic flow or obstructs or endangers other road users, for example:

  • No parking opposite a continuous white line
  • No parking on a footpath (either partly or wholly)
  • No parking within 5 metres of a junction
  • No parking at a pedestrian crossing or traffic lights, within 15 metres on the approach side or 5 metres on the other side
  • Do not obstruct any entrance for vehicles except with the occupier’s consent
  • No parking at a school entrance
  • No parking on a grass margin or median

Please note although there is no requirement to pay for parking on the days listed below, when parking your vehicle, you are still required to abide with the traffic and parking regulations and Cork City Council's Bye-Laws. ALWAYS park in a safe manner. 

Every Sunday  All Year
New Years Day  1st January 
February Public Holiday  First Monday in February 
St. Patrick's Day  17th March 
Easter Sunday  Variable Dates 
Easter Monday Variable Dates 
May Public Holiday First Monday in May
June Public Holiday First Monday in June 
August Public Holiday  First Monday in August
October Public Holiday  First Monday in October
Christmas Day 25th December 
St. Stephen's Day  26th December