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Eating Well

By nourishing our bodies and minds, we can develop a better connection between the food we eat and how we feel and positively impact our physical and mental wellbeing.

If you are interested in learning more about healthy eating and simple cooking skills, you might want to join a local ‘Healthy Food Made Easy’ course. This HSE programme is delivered by a trained tutor over 6 weeks and helps people of all ages to make affordable healthier choices when shopping, cooking and eating. Each session involves fun interactive activities & learning how to cook some simple meals. Welcomm Active are currently taking names for the new online Healthy Food Made Easy Programme, contact Eoin Kaar for more info at or visit the Healthy Food Made Easy Programme website

If you need support on changing your diet to improve your health  - talk to your GP/ Public Health Nurse or local primary care health professional about referring you to a HSE community Dietitian. We are a free service based in local primary care centres and can help you to make dietary changes to help manage your weight / diabetes/ bowel health etc. The community dietitian can see all ages from babies to older adults for support on a wide range of nutrition related conditions. 

Bia Friend is a platform created by volunteers who seek to promote the integration of asylum seekers and refugees through their love of food. We are running a series of cookery classes taught by asylum seekers and refugees in Ireland to promote integration and awareness. These classes will give our friends living in Direct Provision a chance to share their culture and connect with people around Ireland while also improving their language skills and boosting their confidence.

To join this food community sign up on Bia Friends website.

Eating healthily is a huge part of looking after our general health and keeping ourselves well. Cooking simple nutritious meals for ourselves and our families is the best way to ensure that we meet all our nutritional needs to stay healthy. For tips & ideas on quick meals, snacks & treats, takeaways, cooking with children, managing your weight & growing your own food, see the Healthy Ireland Eating Well page. Everything you need to make your healthy eating plan!

Knocknaheeny Hollyhill Community Garden is a public amenity and resource for both the local neighbourhood and the wider community. Managed by NICHE, the focus is on growing using organic methods, then cooking and eating fresh, seasonal produce. For more information visit the NICHE website.

The Cork Food Policy Council is a partnership between representatives of the community, food retail, farming, fishing, restaurant/catering, education, environmental and health sectors and local authorities. Its aim is to raise awareness of the importance of a nutritious, balanced diet for all, improving the availability of affordable healthy food, supporting a wide range of community growing and other food-related activities to improve physical and mental health for people of all ages. The Cork Food Policy Council Recently launched the Cork Food Map, a catalogue and analysis of food businesses in Cork and the patterns related to where they are located. To view the map and other initiatives, visit the Cork Food Policy Council website.

 Green Spaces for Health is a city-wide, community led initiative. An Eco Social Group focussed on connecting with nature, improving the green spaces within the city and providing opportunities to learn about sustainable living and food growing. For more information visit the Cork Healthy Cities website.

The HSE Healthy Eating for Families section looks at why eating well is important for children & babies, gives sample meal plans, monitoring your child’s weight and how to start making healthy changes at home. Check out the new children’s food pyramid for 1 to 4 year olds here.

Safefood are implementing the next phase of their “START” campaign, focusing on making the most of family time and adding healthy habits.

Bord Bia provide information and resources to support healthy eating this winter which can be found the nutrition section of Bord Bia's website.

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