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Age Friendly


The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for elderly members of our society.  Here you can find a collection of resources from city-wide organisations that can help you face them.

Cork Age Friendly logo

Cork City Age Friendly Programme provides links to services and assistance - it promotes Age Action Care and Repair, national and local services through our 16 Area Response Teams and promotes the Friendly Call Service.

Cork City Age Friendly Programme City Database is used to reach out to members with both electronic and printed updates on practical initiatives, local and national as appropriate. There are weekly emails and postings that will continue for the foreseeable future. Regular contact is the aim of this initiative.

Physical mail drops to all houses on a regular basis are arranged through the Area Teams who can identify people suitable for the Age Friendly services.

They build links with An Post, communities and other stakeholders to maintain links with those who are cocooned or isolated.


Cork Kerry Community Healthcare

The HSE Community Physiotherapy Service in Cork, in partnership with Cork Learning City, Cork Healthy Cities, Cork Sports Partnership and Cork Age Friendly Programme encourage older people to exercise during this period of restrictions.  They have designed the leaflet below that includes:

  • 8 exercises that they use in their physiotherapy department.  They are safe for you to do and they work.
  • An exercise diary/calendar which they recommend you tick twice a day, after doing your exercises.

The leaflet can be downloaded by clicking here: HSE-Community-Physio-Leaflet.pdf (size 835.9 KB)

Or you can watch their handy video here:

All you need is a sturdy chair with arms, flat comfortable shoes and 2 weights (2 tins of fruit or 2 small bottles of water.)

If you feel unwell on any day, don't push yourself to complete these exercises. 

If you have any questions on the programme, you can contact the HSE Physiotherapy Department on 021 4923415.

Institute of Public Health logo
The Institute of Public Health: COVID-19 Pandemic – How to stay physically active: advice for adults and older adults

The Institute of Public Health have created a simple guide for older adults about how to stay active while cocooning / social distancing. The guide is put together by experts in the field of Physical Activity and includes links to other online resources to help you keep active at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Download their guide by clicking on this link:

Age Action logo 

Age Actions’ Getting Started KIT supports older people to Keep In Touch with their loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Getting Started KIT is made up of seven How To guides that will support older people to learn, use, and be confident using smartphones and applications.

Have a look at their resources by clicking on this link:

You can also follow them on Facebook here:

 Call Age Action on 01 475 6989 or Email

As part of the Community Call, Cork City Council's Community section send out a weekly newsletter to residents in each of the 16 Community Response areas across the city.  Each one contains the latest information and advice for the vulnerable members of the community.