In 2006, the National Monitoring Committee, in consultation with An Garda Síochána, identified community safety as a key priority, following which Community Safety Fora were established in the four Cork City RAPID areas in 2007:
At a Community Safety Forum meeting, members of the public can raise current issues of concern relating to community safety and quality of life will and discuss with An Garda Síochána, Cork City Council and other relevant agencies. Reports of actions taken on issues raised at the pervious forum is presented always to the forum by An Garda Síochána and Cork City Council on issues raised at the last forum. The Community Safety Forum is a partnership between residents, An Garda Síochána and Cork City Council, aiming to improve the local environment and to enhance local policing. These meetings are held three times a year.
Community Safety Fora have received significant support from An Garda Síochána and the City Council.
The terms Local Policing Fora (LPF) and Community Safety Fora (CSF) are used interchangeably in Cork. Local policing fora are now established per Garda Divisional structures which are
Neighbourhood Watch groups are also represented on the citywide structures.
Please check back here regularly for news of a Community Safety Forum in your area.