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Community Initiatives

The Atlantic Social Lab project aims to promote civic engagement across the city
Bonfire Night, or Bonna Night as it is known in Cork, is celebrated on June 23rd. It involves many communities burning bonfires across the City on the night.
The Cork City of Sanctuary (COS) movement is committed to making Cork a place of welcome, support and safety for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants and persons of migrant origin, where diversity is recognised and celebrated
The IPB Pride of Place Awards is an all-Ireland competition which started in 2003 and celebrates community group contributions to local society and the creation of civic pride.
Cork 2050 – Cork’s submission to the development of a National Planning Framework sets out an ambitious strategy for the city to drive effective regional development
Cork City Council has launched the ‘Shape Your City: Use Your Vote’ voter registration campaign which is aimed at foreign workers and immigrants new to Cork City
Revitalising Areas through Planning, Investment and Development (RAPID) works with communities across Cork City focusing on areas designated as disadvantaged. The focus is on communities, the voluntary sector and agencies working together in partnership for the betterment of the community.
The Atlantic Social Lab project aims to develop and promote social innovation approaches and methods to give response to key growing social issues.
Community Wardens have been employed in RAPID areas in Cork City since August 2008. Their role is to work with local communities to improve the physical environment through education, enforcement and local action.