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Review of the Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021 and Preparation of a New City Development Plan 2022-2028

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 12(1)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) that Cork City Council being the Planning Authority for the city, has prepared a Draft City Development Plan for the administrative area of Cork City.


This will be the first development plan for the extended Cork City Council area, following the extension of the city boundary. The new City Development Plan will replace the current Cork City Development Plan 2015-2021 and the current Cork County Development Plan 2014 and Municipal District Local Area Plans 2017 (solely for the former Cork County Council areas now within the Cork City Council boundary including Ballincollig, Blarney, Glanmire and Tower).


The Draft Plan is accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report, prepared in accordance with the SEA Directive (2001/42/EC) and the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations

2004 (S.I. No. 436 of 2004) (as amended), and an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Natura Impact Report pursuant to the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).  A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment also accompanies the new Draft Plan.


The Draft Plan consists of the following:


  • Volume 1: Written Statement;


  • Volume 2: Mapped Objectives;


  • Volume 3: Specific Built Heritage Objectives;


The Draft Plan will be placed on public display on Monday, 26th July to Monday, 4th October 2021 inclusive and will be available to view online at and also in the following venues by appointment only and subject to Covid 19 Guidelines at the time.


  • The Planning Counter, Cork City Council, City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday. Appointments for viewing the plan can be made by emailing


  • The City Library, Grand Parade, Cork from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Saturday

Appointments to view the development plan can be made by phoning 021-4924900. In line with current government guidelines, viewings will be a maximum of 15 minutes.


Making a Submission


Cork City Council hereby invites any interested parties to make a submission/ observation on the Draft Cork City Development Plan 2022 – 2028, between 9 a.m. on 26th

July 2021 and 4 p.m. on 4th October 2021 inclusive, via the following mediums:



  • Email to or


  • In writing to Development Plan Submissions, Strategic & Economic Development Directorate, Cork City Council, Anglesea Street, City Hall, Cork


In respect of making a submission or observation please note the following:


  • Submissions/observations should include your name and address, a map (if required for identification purposes) and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent.


  • Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are particularly encouraged to make submissions or observations regarding the foregoing.


  • The Planning Authority is required to send certain written submissions and observations to the Minister. Your written submission/observation, together with your name and address, may therefore be sent to the Minister where required.


  • Please make your submission by one medium only, i.e. hard copy, email or website. Written submissions or observations with respect to the Draft Plan that are made to the Planning Authority within the period stated will be taken into consideration before the making of the Plan.


  • Please note that in accordance with Section 12 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) all valid submissions received by the Council shall be published on the Cork City Council website within 10 working days of its receipt by the Council and can be viewed at You should ensure that no vexatious, libellous or confidential information, including confidential information relating to a third party (in respect of which the third party has not, expressly, or impliedly in the circumstances, consented to its disclosure) is included in your submission. The Planning Authority reserves the right to redact any submission or part thereof that does not comply with this requirement. Please be advised that the submission will be published in full.


City Council is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014, the Data Protection Act, 2018 and to the General Data Protection Regulations GDPR).


Cork City Council’s GDPR policy and Privacy Policy is available on our website at or hardcopy from our offices at City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork.


In order to assist us in complying with Data Protection and GDPR please include your name and contact details (and where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent), on a separate sheet to the content of your submission/



Enquiries to email:


Fearghal Reidy, Director of Services,

Strategic & Economic Development Directorate


Date: 26th July 2021.

Public Notices