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Draft Scheme for Strategic Policy Committees 2019-2024

Draft Scheme for Strategic Policy Committees 2019-2024 and Call for Nominees

Following the Local Elections 2019, it is necessary for each Local Authority to establish Strategic Policy Committees in line with the Departmental Guidelines set out in Circular LG07/2014 (June 2014) – which outline the establishment of Strategic Policy Committees which are underpinned by the Local Government Act 2001 and the Local Government Reform Act 2014.

Cork City Council has considered and issued a draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme for publication. An electronic copy of the scheme is available by request from and is also available to download at

In accordance with guidelines, the Draft Scheme provides for representation from National Pillars. Details of Pillars from whom representation is drawn is included with the draft scheme. (Appendix B). Appendix B applications should be addressed to the co-ordinator of the relevant Pillar. 

With regard to the 

·         Environmental/Conservation sector

·         Community/Voluntary sector and

·         Social inclusion sector

Nominations will be determined on the basis of the local nomination process through the Public Participation Network (PPN).

In addition, organisations/groups not covered by the Pillars may apply for consideration for Strategic Policy Committee Membership on application form, Appendix C of the Draft Scheme.

Submissions on the draft and Appendix C applications may be made to me on or before 2nd September 2019.


Paul Moynihan,

Director of Services,

Corporate Affairs & International Relations,

Cork City Council,

City Hall,


Dated 2nd August 2019

Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2019-2024.pdf (size 51.9 KB)

APPENDIX A.pdf (size 12.7 KB)

APPENDIX B.pdf (size 53 KB)

APPENDIX C.pdf (size 70 KB)

Public Notices