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Are you on the Register of Electors?

European and Local Elections


Referendum on the Thirty-Eighth

Amendment of the Constitution

(Dissolution of Marriage) Bill 2016


Plebiscite on Direct Election of Mayors

(Cork City, Limerick City and County,

Waterford City and County)

FRIDAY 24 MAY 2019

Polling Stations Open 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Are you on the Register of Electors?

You can check at your City, County or City and County Council’s offices and on-line at

If not, there is time to apply for inclusion in the Supplement in order to vote

The following will take place on Friday, 24 May 2019:

  • Elections to the European Parliament;
  • Local elections;
  • Referendum on the Dissolution of Marriage;
  • Plebiscites on the Direct Election of Mayors (Cork City, Limerick City and County, Waterford City and County).

You must be ordinarily resident at the address at which you want to register and 18 years or over on polling day in order to vote. If you are on the register and have moved address recently, you may apply to get on the supplement at your new address.

The right to vote is as follows:

Irish Citizens can vote at the European and local elections, the referendum and plebiscites; 

EU Citizens can vote at the European and local elections and plebiscites;

Non-EU Citizens can vote at the local elections and plebiscites.

Supplement application forms are available from your City, County or City and County Council and online at Completed forms must be received by your City, County or City and County Council by Tuesday 7 May 2019.

EU citizens other than Irish or British citizens must in certain cases complete a separate statutory declaration form EP1 (available from your City, County or City and County Council office and online at in order to vote at the European elections.

Supplement to the Postal and Special Voters Lists

If you are eligible to vote by post, or are unable to vote in person due to a physical illness or physical disability and resident in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution, and you are not on the Postal Voters List or Special Voters List, you can apply for inclusion in the supplement to these lists. Application forms are available from your City, County or City and County Council. Completed forms must be received by your City, County or City and County Council by Sunday 28 April 2019.


Public Notices