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New Transport Improvement Works Begin in Douglas


07th February 2022

Road network improvement works are beginning at the Douglas village end of South Douglas Road to help improve pedestrian and cycling facilities and reduce traffic congestion in the area.

The roundabout at the junction of the South Douglas Road, Willow Park and the N40 Douglas West, off the ramp, will be removed and replaced with a signalised junction.

 This project will:


Provide safer pedestrian access from Douglas Village to Willow Park, Gaelscoil na Dúglaise and Tramore Valley Park by installing traffic lights on all approaches to the South Douglas Road.

  • Provide a Northbound segregated cycle track under the N40 which will connect to the existing northbound cycle lane on the South Douglas Road.
  • Provide a raised 2-way segregated cycle track to Gaelscoil na Dúglaise with bike parking to be installed at the end of the cycle track.
  • Planned traffic signals at the junction will co-ordinate with the existing adjoining signalised junction in Douglas to improve transport efficiency and reduce congestion.
  • The works will support improved public transport journey times on this route as well as general traffic flow

 This project will begin today, Monday 7th February, and will take approximately six months to complete.

The first phase will involve works along the northern footpath of South Douglas Road’s southbound carriageway (towards Douglas Village)