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Lord Mayor hails historic day

The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Mick Finn and City Council Chief Executive, Ann Doherty have welcomed the passage through the Seanad and Dáil tonight of legislation sanctioning the city's boundary extension. 

The Lord Mayor said: "This is an historic time for Cork which is set to further develop its huge potential. This will pave the way for the expansion of Cork City for the first time in 50 years which will have hugely positive implications for housing, transport and other infrastructural development and investment in the years ahead".

"The ‘green light’ from both the Dáil and Seanad – which now just has to be signed into law by President Higgins - will accelerate a transition process already underway between the city and county councils. Huge work has gone into the transfer of electoral data for the registers which will be published in mid April and which will outline the new Local Election Areas (LEAS) in which people will vote. Staff, asset management and service issues are also being worked on in advance of the city expansion which will come into force on June 4th when the new Cork City Council meets," he said.

"Because the population of the city will expand by over 85,000 to over 210,000, and because the city’s geographical footprint will quadruple, there will be changes to city council management and operational systems which also are being worked on. A public information campaign will inform residents, city and county councillors and potential candidates about the changes in advance of elections on May 24," the Lord Mayor added.

Cork City Council Chief Executive, Ann Doherty said:  “This is a significant milestone in the history of Cork City and in the development of the second city as a real and sustainable counterbalance to Dublin. It presents huge opportunity for the city region and provides certainty and clarity to voters and electoral candidates before this year’s local elections. Staff at Cork City Council have been working with, and will continue to work with, our colleagues in Cork County Council to ensure a smooth and efficient transition of services from the county to the city and we look forward to engaging fully with the citizens, communities and many organisations in the newly extended area”.