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Lá na Gaeilge 2023 Corcaigh - Irish Language Day Cork 2023


16th March 2023

Cork City Council with the support of Cork Chamber, Cork Business Association ( CBA ), and media partner The Echo are encouraging the people of Cork to make Thursday , March 16th , the day before our St. Patrick’s Day celebrations Lá a Gaeilge by using simple Irish phases and greetings as part of their conversations and actions on the day.


A wallet sized insert is available through our library network and will be published in The Echo on Wednesday March 16th  giving simple Irish words and phrases together with Irish translation and phonetic spelling to make it easy for all citizens, regardless of whether the Irish language was part of their schooling or not, to join in the activity.


The leaflet will cover and words, greetings, numbers, days ,weather and useful words and phrases in everyday life .The original publication was created by Brian Ó Gabháin, Áras Chrónán, Dublin under the Banner © A Little Irish Made Easy

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 #cityofwelcomes #corkcitycouncil # Comhairlecathrachchorcaí #snag

 A-Little-Irish-Made-Easy.pdf (size 613.1 KB)