Final public consultation phase on Draft City Development Plan begins

Your City Your Future graphic

1st April 2022

Public consultation on the proposed material alterations to the Draft Cork City Development Plan 2022-2028 opens today, 1st April 2022, and will continue until 28th April 2022.   This is the final stage of public consultation in the two year process, in which a Development Plan evolves through various stages in line with Planning and Development legislation.   (Details on the stages of the process can be found here.)


“Our City, Our Future”, the draft Cork City Development Plan, provides an overarching framework to help shape the transformation of the City over the next six years by supporting the creation of 20,000 homes and 33,000 jobs.  It provides a transformative blueprint for Cork as the city embarks upon an exciting phase of growth and change – with sustainability, quality of life, social inclusion, and climate resilience at the plan’s core.  This is the first City Development Plan to include the new city areas taken in under the 2019 city boundary extension.


At a meeting of Cork City Council on 15th March 2022, the Elected Members considered the Draft City Development Plan and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received.  It was resolved at that meeting by the Elected Members of Cork City Council to amend the Draft Cork City Development Plan 2022-2028.

The Council resolved that a number of these amendments constitute what is referred to as a Material Alteration to the Draft Development Plan, and the proposed amendments would be placed on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks in accordance with Section 12(7)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended). 


Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Colm Kelleher said: “This is the first of three critically important city developments plans for Cork. It is the first of three such plans that will provide a pathway to achieving a 50% increase in population by 2040 so that Cork grows as a city of international scale”.


“This Plan aims to ensure that as our population increases substantially, we become an even better place to live. It is centred around supporting housing, economic development, public realm renewal, transport, more amenity spaces and community services in existing built-up areas, using the internationally-recognised 15-minute city model”.


Cork City Council Chief Executive, Ann Doherty said: “The Plan has sustainability at its very core and aims to achieve ambitions for Cork that are underpinned by Government commitments and funding, with priority given to social inclusion, climate action and sustainable growth.  It seeks to futureproof our City’s growth and development in a rapidly evolving world. This phase follows widespread listening and engagement with stakeholders in the first and second rounds of public consultation and I’d like to thank everyone who made a submission to date, we have engaged with a broad church of stakeholders reflecting the diversity of Cork City and the work of the Elected Members on the ground in our city’s communities has been integral to the whole process.”


The Draft Cork City Development Plan 2022-2028 is available to view at


Cork City Council invites submissions on the Proposed Alterations to the Draft Development Plan. This is the third stage of formal public consultations. Submissions can be made online at 


We look forward to hearing your views in shaping the future of Cork City.