1st June 2020
The goal of this programme is to fully support participants from walking to running 3 kilometres in a safe and supported environment. The programme has an emphasis on strength and conditioning and the importance of this for injury prevention.
A private Facebook page has also been set up for the participants. This page will be used for discussion, handy training tips and general information about running.
The training plan is accurately measured for people of different abilities. The plan has small increases in running every week to ensure all participants load their training correctly. Both the training plan and the strength and conditioning plan have been designed by fully qualified running coaches with this specific programme in mind.
Cork Sports Partnership Athletics Development Officer (Cork & CIT) Craig Harrington said that “It is great to see the amount of people that have turned to physical activity during these very strange and challenging times, Cork Sports Partnership are always delighted to coordinate initiatives that encourage the public to take part in physical activity. The Couch to 5km is usually one of the programmes we take the most pride in so we are sure the new Couch to 3km will have a similar effect."
Denis Barrett, Cork City Community Response Forum Coordinator said, "Physical and mental health have come into sharper focus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cork Sports Partnership is playing a huge role in developing innovative programmes to keep Cork fit and healthy and Couch to 3km is a perfect way to kickstart your own personal wellbeing practice at home, whicle still adhering to public health guidelines."
Online registration is open and entries are completely free of charge and can be made online at www.corksports.ie. Closing date for online registrations will be Thursday June 5th.