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Cork City Council Celebrates Purple Flag Month

Cork City Council Purple Flag

For the month of October, Cork City Council will take part in the official publicity celebration to recognise its achievement as a Purple Flag City. Cork City has held the award since 2015 and is internationally recognised for its excellence in the management of the evening and night-time economy.

The Purple Flag Award recognises the vibrancy of the ‘after dark’ economy which supports thousands of businesses and jobs and significantly contributes to the local economy. This series of events through October intends to capture people’s imaginations, change perceptions and encourage people to do something different with their evening in a variety of locations.  Towns and cities across the Ireland and the UK are planning a wide-range of events to showcase the quality, diversity and vibrancy of their evening and night-time economy.

For the past week (commencing 21 October), in preparation for renewing our Purple Flag status for 2020, Cork City Hall was illuminated in purple to mark the event and the purple flag will also be flown at key locations around the City.

The Purple Flag programme is run by the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM) in collaboration with Local Authorities across Ireland and the UK.

Welcoming the ongoing status of Cork City as a Purple Flag location Lord Mayor of Cork Cllr. John Sheehan said:

"The Purple Flag award is about celebrating the safety, vibrancy and diversity of the evening and night-time offering in our City.  This recognition can only be achieved by people working together and across the City we are seeing some amazing examples of this type of partnership working in Cork.

We were one of the first urban areas in Ireland to achieve the award and it is great to take part in the programme and year on year with the opening of more venues, restaurants, shops, festivals and events the night time economy in Cork continues to grow and thrive.”