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Committees of Cork City Council

Cork City Council has 31 democratically elected members representing the six wards in the City. Local elections are held every 5 years. The functions of the Council are split into Reserved Functions and Executive Functions. The former relates to the responsibilities of the elected members; the latter refers to the responsibilities of the Chief Executive and the staff that work in support of the elected members.

Council policy is developed by six Strategic Policy Committees:

  • Housing
  • Environment, Water and Amenity
  • Strategic, Economic Development, Enterprise and Planning
  • International Relations and Tourism
  • Roads and Transportation 
  • Community, Culture & Placemaking

Cork City Council Strategic Policy Committees 2019-2024:-

Strategic Policy Committees 2019-2024.pdf (size 382 KB)



The Corporate Policy Group consist of the Lord Mayor, the Chief Executive and the Chairpersons of the Strategic Policy Committees (all of whom are elected members) and provides a forum for policy issues which transcend the remit of individual Strategic Policy Committees.


Ordinary Meetings of Cork City Council are normally held on the second Monday of each month at 5.30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Cork. The public and the press are admitted to Council meetings

Elected Members also participate in a range of internal and external Committees and bodies. A full list of these can be downloaded here:-

Full List of Committees.pdf (size 248.4 KB)