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Parade Day City Access

On Parade Day some road closures and diversions are necessary, with some bus routes affected

In general - only the very centre of the city is impacted by road closures, and these run from early morning to late afternoon on March 17th.

Parking is removed from some areas the night before -  see below. Signs will advise where affected.

If travelling by bus, drop-off and pick-up locations are affected, so please check to ensure you have the information you need. 

 As always, the Park and Ride service is recommended as an inexpensive and climate friendlier solution to city access on parade day.




Sunday 17th March from 05:00 am to17:30 pm - Closed to traffic except Buses

  • St Patrick’s Street North bound from Academy Street to St Patrick’s Bridge
  • Drawbridge street from the Junction of Academy Street and Emmet Place
  • Perry Street with the Junction of Lavit’s Quay


Sunday, 17th March from 07:00 am to 16:00 pm

  • Union Quay
  • Stable Lane
  • Connell Street
  • Lapp’s Quay
  • Clontarf Street West Lane (between Lower Oliver Plunkett Street and Terence McSweeney Quay


Sunday, 17th March from 10:30 am to 16:00 pm

  • Parnell Bridge Southbound
  • Anglesea Street West Lane (filter lane from Union Quay/Parnell Bridge)


Sunday, 17th March from 11:15 am to 15:00 pm

  • Terence McSweeney Quay


Sunday, 17th March from 11:15 am to 17:30 pm

  • Parnell Bridge
  • Parnell Place
  • South Mall
  • Grand Parade
  • St Patrick’s Bridge
  • Castle Street
  • Cornmarket Street
  • Pauls Avenue
  • Merchants Quay
  • Lavitt’s Quay East (Christy Ring Bridge to Saint Patrick’s Bridge)
Please note there will be lane restrictions on both Clontarf Bridge & Eglinton Street to restrict access onto Terence McSwiney Quay. This will also commence at 11:00 am


In addition, the following main streets will be directly affected and will be closed from 11:15 am
  • Parliament Street
  • Parliament Bridge
  • Washington Street between South Main Street and Grand Parade
  • Parnell Place
  • Fr Matthew Quay
  • Morrison’s Quay
  • Half Moon St
  • Academy St
  • St Augustine Street
  • Paul Street
  • Oliver Plunkett Street


TRAFFIC  DIVERSIONS will be put in place to facilitate these road closures, as follows:

  • South Terrace/George’s Quay – traffic will be diverted via Sullivan’s Quay & Frenche’s Quay to either Greenmount or onto Washington Street and Bachelor’s Quay.
  • Lavitt’s Quay – traffic will be diverted across Christy Ring Bridge
  • No public traffic access to Lapps Quay



  • Saturday 16th March from 07:00 am to 18:00 pm on Sunday 17th March - Copley St at area adjacent to former Brooks Haughton Building
  • Saturday 16th March from 14:00 pm to 18:00 pm on Sunday 17th March - Copley St at area opposite the former Brooks Haughton Building, Anglesea Street, Lapps Quay, Anglesea Street adjacent St. Joachim & Ann’s Home.
  • Saturday 16th March from 20:00 pm until 17:30 pm on Sunday 17th March - St. Patrick’s St, Emmet Place, Academy St, South Mall, Grand Parade, Parnell Place, Union Quay.

St Patrick's Day Bus Diversions 


Note: All Northbound Services that operate through St. Patrick’s Street will operate to the diversion routes from the start of Sunday’s service. All other services will operate via these diverted routes between 10:30-18:00


Route 202

From 10:30 - 18:00 - Southbound: Will operate via Cathedral Rd, Gerald Griffin St, O’Connell St, Watercourse Road, Cathedral Walk , Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Streets/Bridges, then as usual, serving Clontarf Street stop en route.

Victoria Road


From 10:30 - 18:00 North bound:  operate via Eglinton Street, Albert Quay, De Valera and Collins Bridges, Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay then as usual

Patrick's Quay


Route 202a

From 10:30 - 18:00 Southbound: Will operate via Cathedral Rd, Gerald Griffin St,O Connell St , Watercourse Road,  Cathedral Walk , Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Streets/Bridges, then as usual.  serving Clontarf Street stop en route.

Victoria Road


From 10:30 - 18:00 North bound:  operate via Eglinton Street, Albert Quay, De Valera and Collins Bridges, Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay then as usual

Patrick's Quay


Route 203

From 10:30 - 18:00 Southbound: turn left from N20 and operate via Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Bridges/Streets, Albert Quay N27 to Old Station Road and left onto Angleslea  Street, stopping opp  Crawford Bar

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


From Start of Service -18:00 Northbound:  operate via Cotter Street, Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi) , continue stright on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, right onto Bridge St. and then as usual.

Patrick's Quay


Route 205

From Start of Service -18:00 Eastbound: operate via Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay, Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, then as usual


McCurtain Street

From 10:30 - 18:00 Westbound:  operate via Horgans Quay. Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay, Christy Ring, Lavitts Quay, Kyrles Quay. Gratton Street, then as usual


Patrick's Quay

Route 206

From 10:30 - 18:00 Northbound - usual route to South Terrace, then right to Cotter Street, right to Copley Street, right to Anglesea Street, Set down Opp Crawford Bar (between Breast Check and Old Station Road Jctn)

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


From 10:30 - 18:00 Southbound - Depart Opp Crawford Bar (between Breast Check and Old Station Road Jctn), then usual route thereafter

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


Route 207

From Start of Service -18:00 Northbound - Usual route to South Terrace, then right to Cotter Street, right to Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi), continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, right to Bridge Street, MacCurtain and Summerhill North then as usual


Patrick's Quay

From 10:30 - 18:00 Southbound - Continue straight at Brian Boru Bridge, via Clontarf Street & Bridge, left onto Albert Quay then right onto N27 then straight to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea Street, stopping opp  Crawford Bar , then as usual thereafter


Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area

Route 207a

From 10:30 - 18:00 Toward City Turn right from Brian Boru Street on to St Patricks Quay

Patrick's Quay


From 10:30 - 18:00 Toward Glenthorn turn right on to Bridge Street and usual route thereafter

Patrick's Quay


Route 208

From Start of Service -18:00 Eastbound: operate via Grenville Place, Kyrls Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay, Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, then as usual

From 10:30 - 18:00 Westbound:  Turn left from Devonshire St onto N20 towards Christy Ring Bridge, Lavitts Quay, Kyrles Quay. Gratton Street, then as usual


Patrick's Quay

Route 212

From 10:30 - 18:00 Southbound Operates Usual Route


Clontarf Street (Normal)

From 10:30 - 18:00 Northbound - Eglinton Street, Collins and De Valera Bridges, Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, right to Bridge Street - then as usual

Lwr Oliver Plunkett Street


Route 213

From 10:30 - 18:00 Outbound Depart at stop between Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area and Old Station Road Jctn and via Evergreen Road to South Link Slip

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


From 10:30 - 18:00 Inbound Depart Black Ash and Operate via South Link and Old Station Road to stop between Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


Route 214

From Start of Service -18:00 Eastbound:  From Sherman Crawford Street, turn left on Wandesford Quay, left to Lancaster Quay, right to Mardyke Street, right on to Mardyke, left to Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay, Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, then as usual


McCurtain Street

From 10:30 - 18:00 Westbound: Operate via Horgans Quay, Collins and De Valera Bridges, Albert Quay N27 to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea Street, stopping opp Crawford Bar, South Terrace, Sullivans Quay, Probys Quay, then as usual thereafter.

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


Route 215

From 10:30 - 18:00 Eastbound: operate via N20 to Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru and Clontarf Bridges, continue straight at Brian Boru Bridge, via Clontarf Street & Bridge, Albert Quay N27 to Old Station Road and left onto Anglesea Street, stopping opp. Crawford Bar and as usual thereafter

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


From Start of Service -18:00 North bound:  Usual route to South Terrace, operate via Cotter Street, Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi), continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, then right onto Bridge St. then as usual


Patrick's Quay 

Route 216

From 10:30 - 18:00 Westbound: Via South Terrace, Georges Quay, Sullivans Quay, Proby’s then usual route thereafter.

Georges Quay


From 10:30 - 18:00 Eastbound: Continue straight at Noonan Road, continue straight on to Green Street, then turn left on to Roselawn, continuing straight onto St Patricks Road, Summerhill South, Anglesea Street, South Terrace, right on to Cotter Street, right on to Copley Street and stopping at Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area on Anglesea then usual route


Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


Route 220

From 10:30 - 18:00 Westbound: Via South Terrace, Georges Quay, Sullivans Quay, Proby’s Quay, Sherman Crawford Street, right on to Wandesford Quay, then left on to Washington Street then usual route thereafter.

Georges Quay


From 10:30 - 18:00 Eastbound: via Mardyke, left to Grenville Place, Kyrls Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay, Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru Street, N27, Old Station Road Anglesea St, stopping at Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area, then usual route

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


Route 223

From 10:30 - 18:00 Northbound – Usual route to South Terrace, then right to Cotter Street, right to Copley Street, Old Station Road, N27, stopping at Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area, then usual route

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


From 10:30 - 18:00 Southbound - Depart Opp Crawford Bar (between Breast Check and Old Station Road Jctn) , then usual route thereafter

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


Route 225

From 10:30 - 18:00 Outbound: operate via Clontarf St then left onto Albert Quay then right onto N27 Kent


From 10:30 - 18:00 Inbound: Via N27 turn right at Jctn, passing Aldi, continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, Ship Street Kent


Route 226

From 10:30 - 18:00 Outbound: via N27, Old Station Road and turn left to Breast Check Stop

Old Station Road-Breast Check Stop Area


From 10:30 - 18:00 Inbound: operate via Cotter Street, Copley Street, Old Station Road, straight on to N27 (passing Aldi) , continue straight on to De Valera and Collins Bridges, left to Penrose Quay, and left to Ship Street

Infirmary Road


Stage Carriage Diversions

Westbound: Routes 40, 233, 236, 237, 239 operate via Lwr Oliver Plunkett St, Penrose Quay, Patricks Quay, Camden Quay, Christy Ring, Lavitts Quay, Kyrls Quay. Gratton Street, then as usual


Routes coming from the west:

40, 233, 236, 237, 239 operate via Mardyke, Grenville Place, Kyrles Quay, Lavitts Quay, Christy Ring Bridge, Carrols Quay, Leitrim Street, Coburg Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru Bridge, Lower Oliver Plunkett Street, Parnell Place


Route 51, Inbound via Leitrim Street, Mc Curtain Street, Brian Boru Street, Lower Oliver Plunkett Street, Parnell Place


Route 51, Outbound via Lwr Oliver Plunkett Street and North Quays


All Loadings are at rear of station for the duration of the Parade.


Access to Bus Station from Capwell

Via Eglinton Street, Albert Quay, DeValera Bridge, Collins Bridge, Penrose Quay, Brian Boru Bridge, Lwr Oliver Plunkett Street Only

Temporary Stops:

Anglesea Street - Old Station Road to Breastcheck area

St Patrick's Quay - Near Mary Elmes Bridge


Park & Ride

The Black Ash Park & Ride service will operate on St. Patrick’s Day.

Only €5 per car - Pick up & drop off at Infirmary Road (near Breastcheck)

Timetable here


Cork City Council's Car Parks

pening hours for Paul Street & North Main Street Car Parks are listed here