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The Maryborough Hotel

Address: Maryborough Hill, Douglas, Cork

“Not far from Douglas is a handsome house adorned with a cupola and good plantations, the residence of Mr Richard Newenham, merchant in Cork, a gentleman who is the largest dealer in Ireland in the worsted trade,”

The following information was supplied by Mr Dermot H Sherrard who lived there for many years and whose family lived there until 1995. The Perrier family rented it for about fourteen years and the Sherrard family bought it in 1889, Captain Newenham of Coolmore, Carrigaline is descended from the same ancestors and Coolmore is a sort of a sister house to Maryborough, though a good deal later in the eighteen century period.


Maryborough was built in 1710. Newenham had sentry boxes built into the wall on Maryborough Hill, both inside and outside the wall - some are still there.  It is said he used them to prevent people using the road hence the construction of Carr’s Hill Road to Carrigaline. 

Some of Maryborough’s rooms appear to have Adam style decoration added – notably the entrance hall and some mantelpieces. In the time of the Down Survey (middle of the seventeenth century) Maryborough was part of the district known as Monygormy, Monnygormy, or Moneygourney. 

The oldest available reference to Maryborough is given in the deed of the 12th and 13th February, 1709.  “Rickard Parker of Ballymacadane and Onisepheras Gamble of Maryborough to Samuel Love in respect of Ballymacadane (an old abbey near the Viaduct), Shrabolea and Ballinlishigg.” Maryborough is given in a deed of 1710, Marryborrough 1729, Maryburrow 1738.

Maryborough House Hotel has existed as a hotel since 1997.