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Cork City Climate Action Plan


Cork City Council has produced a  Climate Action Plan, as part of our statutory climate-action requirements and our participation in the EU 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. Our aim is to accelerate our city's journey towards a climate-neutral, thriving and resilient city.

This Plan sets out 129 actions that Cork City Council will initiate in order to reduce emissions from its own buildings and operations. However, because this is a plan for Cork City, the actions that residents, businesses, community groups, and public sector institutions will have to take are a vital contribution to the achievement of our vision of Cork as a climate neutral and resilient city.

We are facing an enormous task ahead, with the need to improve the quality and efficiency of our buildings, increase our use of renewable energy, protect our natural environment, and adapt to the changing climate. Some of that work has already begun, with the greening of our public spaces and expansion of our cycling network, a growing uptake of SEAI grants for renewable energy, a shift to electric vehicles, and the award-winning community gardens, but we have a lot more to do.

Climate Action Plan Radial Image

Local Authority Climate Action Plan


The Cork City Climate Action Plan sets out 129 citywide actions that will help us to achieving our vision of a climate neutral, resilient, just, healthy, and thriving city. To achieve this vision, we have three goals, To achieve net-zero GHG emissions as soon as possible, to protect and enhance our natural and built environment for future generations and to establish best-practice governance to lead our city.


Summary Report

This is a summary of the following reports on this page: the Baseline Emissions Inventory, Climate Change Risk Assessment, the Residential Household, Young Social Innovator Workshop, Survey, and the Climate Conversations, all of which will informed the Cork City Climate Action Plan.

Baseline Emissions Inventory

UCC’s MaREI mapped the greenhouse-gas emissions of the city. Emissions were modelled and mapped for six sectors: road transport; households; commercial services & industry; public services;  agriculture, fisheries, land use, land-use change & forestry; and waste handling & treatment.

Climate Change Risk Assessment

This report provides an assessment of potential climate change risks for Cork City and the impacts of these for the delivery of services by Cork City Council. The assessment was carried out by KPMG for Cork City Council.

Residential Household Survey: Climate in the Cork Mind

To inform the Cork City Climate Action Plan and to get an insight to what Cork people think about climate change, we also commissioned a household survey, Climate in the Cork Mind. The results largely aligned with the EPA's national survey (Climate in the Irish Mind). Of course, being Cork we had to have some differences!

Cork Climate Conversations

This report is a summary of a series of conversations and workshops held with communities and other stakeholders, to inform the Cork City Climate Action Plan we are currently developing.

Young Social Innovator Workshop

This report is a summary of a Young Social Innovator workshop held in Cork City Hall. The event allowed the students from five secondary schools to voice their concerns on climate change and what actions they would like to see prioritised in their communities.

Chief Executive's Report

In accordance with the requirements of the Climate (Amendment) Act 2021, this Chief Executive’s Report summarises and details the outcome of the Public Consultation process on the Draft Climate Action Plan.

 Climate Action Plan - SEA Documentation 

Documentation relating to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Cork City Climate Action Plan 2024–2029 is provided below. The purpose of this SEA was to identify, assess, and mitigate potential likely significant environmental effects associated with the CAP and integrate environmental considerations into the preparation, adoption and implementation of the Plan.

 Climate Action Plan - AA Documentation 

Documentation relating to the Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the Cork City Climate Action plan 2024–2029 is provided below. The purpose of the AA was to identify, assess and mitigate potential significant adverse effects on designated European sites.