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Frequently Asked Questions

With 39 quality furnished rooms, Bishopsgrove offers an alternative for students who also require a springboard into full independent living.

Whilst preparing for life beyond Bishopsgrove, we specialise in offering tailored support to meet the needs of each young student throughout their educational, training and resettlement journey.

Who can apply?

You can apply to Bishopsgrove if you are currently in, or waiting to start a full time education or a full time accredited training course. Applicants must be aged 18 to 25 (older applicants can be considered in exceptional circumstances decided on a case by case basis). Applicants must be currently using a homeless service, on a homeless service waiting list, or at risk of entering a homeless service i.e. you leaving care without stable accommodation or are about to lose your present accommodation.

How do I apply?

Please click on the How to Apply section of our homepage for details, alternatively you contact us on 0214347128 or email us at Once we receive your completed application form, we will call you for a short interview.

What happens at the interview?

Interviews are conducted by two members of staff. One staff member will be from the Cork City Council and other staff member will be from either TUSLA or Focus Ireland, our partners at Bishopsgrove.

During your interview we will need to gather as much relevant information about you as possible, in order to compile an assessment of your needs and the levels of support that you may require whilst living at Bishopsgrove . You will be encouraged to be as open as possible to assist with this process.

If you have been referred by an agency or organisation your Key/Social Worker will also be invited to attend.

How long can I stay?

Every student will sign up to a Licence Agreement (contract) between the student and Cork City Council. Your progress and ability to live within the stipulations of the Bishopsgrove Licence Agreement and Codes of Behaviour will be continually monitored and regularly reviewed.

Bishopsgrove is designed to provide supported student accommodation for those in, or who have secured, full time education or accredited training and therefore provides accommodation for approximately 12 to 24 months, or less if the student has completed their course or secured accommodation in the meantime. If you are completing a three year course then you will be allowed to live in Bishopsgrove until you have completed the three years, providing you are able to meet the Licence Fee.

What if I drop out of Education or Training?

Dropping out of education or training will jeopardise your place at Bishopsgrove. You will need to speak to your Key/Social Worker straight away and put an acceptable plan in place to secure a different course. You must be seen to work proactively towards the goals in your new plan to secure education or training. If you fail to do this you will be asked to leave under the terms of your Licence Agreement. If you are unable to pursue education or training for personal issues that arise, your Key/Social Worker will source alternative accommodation for you. This will not prevent you from returning to Bishopsgrove once you have fully addressed your personal issues.

What amenities does Bishopsgrove have?

  • En-suite rooms (except a few)
  • Shared furnished kitchens
  • Furnished lounge with TV (Saorview)
  • Wi-Fi Broadband access
  • Room Phone (Incoming calls only)
  • Study Desk & Bookcase
  • Saorview in each bedroom (You will need a modern TV & Aerial Lead)
  • Communal Iron, Ironing Board and Vacuum
  • Private Grounds
  • Occasional organised activities and initiatives

Where is Bishopsgrove?

Bishopsgrove is located on Curraheen Drive in Bishopstown, a ten minute walk to the local amenities and the CIT College. There is a bus stop just around the corner with a very frequent bus service into the City Centre.

What can you expect from us?

  • To live in a safe, secure and well maintained accommodation free from unnecessary intrusion whilst you study
  • To receive a confidential service and have your privacy respected
  • To live in an environment free from harassment
  • To be treated fairly, regardless of race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or disability
  • To be treated with respect and be consulted about decisions affecting your life
  • To have your complaints acted upon swiftly and effectively
  • To receive further support in accessing available, education, training or employment opportunities
  • To receive help and advice on available resettlement opportunities enabling you to be resettled in the community

What Bishopsgrove expects from you?

  • To adhere to the terms and conditions of your Licence/Support Agreement
  • To comply with the Codes of Behaviour and to make sure that your visitors comply with the Codes of Behaviour
  • To work with staff in relation to your personal development
  • To keep staff fully informed of any changes to your circumstances
  • To pay your weekly Licence Fee on time
  • To respect those around you, including staff and other students

What do I do if I have a complaint?

If you have a complaint to make about the service, then please read our complaints policy and return a completed complaint form.

How much will it cost to stay at Bishopsgrove?

If you are supported directly by TUSLA, they will organise your payments with you. Please speak to your Aftercare Worker.

If you are supported by the Cork City Council or Focus Ireland, your weekly Licence Fee will be discussed at your interview. You will need to budget for your food, toiletries, bedding, travel and clothing etc separately. Again, you can talk to your Key/Social Worker in relation to these.

You will be expected to pay €50.00 deposit the day you move into Bishopsgrove. This will be held in the office and refunded to you when you leave provided keys are returned to the office and the room is left in a good condition. The only other cost to you will be 20 euros per lost key and lost fob.