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Small lives: at home in Cork in 1920

Over the last 8 years, as a country, we have commemorated many historic events as part of the Decade of Centenaries. These commemorations have largely centred on political and military history, from Home Rule to the Lockout, and from the Easter Rising to the Somme.


A handful of commemorations have sought to discover how political events impacted upon everyday life. At Nano Nagle Place we are seeking to do just that. We are exploring life at home in Cork in 1920, when the city and county became ‘the cockpit of revolution’.


In contrast to the largely political, military and guerrilla histories that have dominated the Decade of Centenaries, ‘Small Lives’ documents the lived experience of Corkonians, through the prism of school registers and extensive archival collections of North and South Presentation Convents.


This wonderfully intimate exhibition will be displayed in the atmospheric 1865 Goldie Chapel, alongside our permanent exhibit, which focuses on Nano Nagle, 18th Century Cork and the Presentation Sisters. Two fascinating Cork focused exhibitions for the price of one discounted ticket!


Admission to the museum is timed so that household groups can enter the museum at 15-minute intervals from 11am.