Another fun-filled ‘Open Streets’ event takes place this Saturday, August 24 as part of the second North Main Street Carnival.
Cork City tidal flooding warning tonight Tuesday 20th August and following days.
Have your say on Shandon by attending a public consultation on August 17.
Cork City Council is proposing a partnership with JCD Group to deliver a substantial cost-rental apartment scheme on Albert Quay.
Explore over 40 historic buildings in Cork and learn about the history of the city.
Ireland, and the City of Cork particularly, has been selected to host the 2025 European Maritime Day – the EU’s flagship annual maritime event.
Check out the upcoming events that are happening across Cork this October and November.
16 high quality affordable homes launched at Seaberry Drive, Meadow Brome, Grange.
A Book of Condolence will also be opened by the Lord Mayor at City Hall at 2.30pm on Monday to mark the passing of the former Lord Mayor.